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What information do I need for a trade credit insurance policy?
October 26, 2023
Rupert Cutler
Seven key items of information to improve your credit rating and share or transfer the business risk of non-payment, insolvency or default or political risks and contract frustration.
Holtarka has 35+ years of Award Winning Work advising, guiding and arranging Trade Credit Insurance for our clients Worldwide. We work with new and existing Trade Credit Insurance Buyers across many sectors. We are FCA Regulated and an Authorised Representative of Lloyds Broker www.BellwoodPrestbury.com
7 Key Items of Information required for Insurers:-
- Your Company details including your Business Activity and Audited Accounts;
- Sales Terms to customers - how and when you get paid;
- Payment history with customers and any Payment Losses;
- Which Companies you wish to be included with their full details;
- Maximum Measured Exposure at any one time to each Buyer/Supplier;
- Estimated Sales Volume/Turnover;
- Limit/Sum Insured sought and Time /Period of Cover Required.
The information will with your sales or accounting team so it is at your fingertips. If you would like a Free and Confidential Review give us a call on +447979801237 or check our website for more information www.holtarka.com