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Working overseas - How can I insure political risks for my business?
May 26, 2023
Rupert Cutler
Operations & Investments
Global Instability = Commercial Opportunity Or Financial Loss?
Use Political Risks Insurance to Reduce Your Risk and Boost Profits. Recognised and Proven Risk Transfer.
A Political Risks Policy is a Contract to Pay/Indemnify Following a Loss Which is Excluded from Most All Risks Aviation, Marine Cargo and Property Policies.
Two Types of Insured Loss:
- "Contract Frustration" = Contract Cancellation & Non-Payment for Goods/Services
- "Confiscation & Expropriation" = Loss of Goods/Equipment/Equity Interests
Types of Loss Includes:
- Non-Payment
- Non-Delivery
- Contract cancellation
- Calling of Performance Bonds/Guarantees
- Licence Cancellation
- Sanctions/Embargo
- Nationalisation/Expropriation/Confiscation of Assets
- Deprivation / Loss of Use of Assets
- Non-Repossession of Capital Equipment
- Currency Non-Transfer/InconvertibilityWar on Land/Terrorism
- Business Interruption
- Non-Honouring of Arbitration
We have 35+ Years Proven Experience as Risk Consultants and as a FCA Regulated Authorised Representative of Lloyds Broker Bellwood Prestbury to guide, advise, Negotiate with Risk Takers to Risk Transfer and recover Losses for our clients.
How do you arrange cover?
Contact us for:
- Free and Confidential review of your documentation
- Draft bespoke insurance wording for your Contract/Project
- Final price and coverage negotiation on your behalf with insurers
- Agreement reached Policy issued for a fixed term to suit you